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Terms of Use
Please read the following terms of use before using this website, and proceed with its use only if you agree with these terms. If you do not agree with the terms, please refrain from using this website. Using this website implies that you have agreed to all of the following terms.
General information
All of the information contained in this website is displayed for the purpose of disclosing corporate information about Nutrition Act Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Nutrition Act” or “we”). Although we take significant precautions when converting data for publication, please note that the information may contain errors due to artificial manipulation by third parties, mechanical deficiencies due to hardware or other malfunctions, or other force majeure.
The information on this website is correct as of the date of publication. Please note that information may differ by date of web search.
The copyrights of the contents displayed on this website including text, images, videos, and programs are retained by Nutrition Act or third parties from whom we have obtained authorization for use. The use of these copyrighted materials is limited to personal usage and other uses permitted within the scope of applicable laws. Any use exceeding this scope (including reproduction, transmission, distribution, transfer, and adaptation) is not allowed. The unauthorized use of these contents is strictly prohibited. Trademark and emblems, etc. are protected by the Trademark Act, Unfair Competition Prevention Act, and other laws and regulations pertaining to intellectual property rights.
All text, photographs, illustrations, videos, software, and other content on this website are protected by copyrights, patent rights, trademark rights, and other rights owned by Nutrition Act and third parties.
You may display, reproduce, or print out any text, photograph, illustration, video, software, or other content on this site provided that such content is not placed in an environment viewable by third parties, is not used for profit-making purposes, and is limited to personal use. However, no modification of content is permitted. Even if such content is used on the condition that it is not placed in an environment viewable by third parties, is not used for profit-making purpose, and is limited to personal use, the removal of anything that displays copyrights or matters related to copyrights is not permitted.
Nutrition Act does not grant any licenses on copyrights, patent rights, trademark rights, or any other third party rights.
The use of this website is undertaken at your own risk. Please note that although Nutrition Act carefully creates and manages the text, photographs, illustrations, videos, software, rinks, and other types of information contained on this website, our company does not guarantee the accuracy or integrity of all information.
Nutrition Act may change all or part of the contents contained on this website without prior notice. We do not guarantee that our website will be updated.
Nutrition Act assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage resulting from any information (including data) obtained from our website or from any use of information obtained from our website or any other website linked to and from our website.
You may not be able to use our website normally due to communication environments, your computer environment, or other reasons. We assume no responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from this.
Nutrition Act may suspend or discontinue this website without prior notice. We assume no responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from this.
Governing law and competent court
This website is under the control of Nutrition Act. Although our website can be accessed from different countries with different laws, both people who access this website and Nutrition Act agree to abide by the laws of Japan and Tokyo Metropolitan ordinances in regard to the use of this website.
Nutrition Act provides no description or indication as to whether any content on our website is appropriate to the environment of those accessing it. Our website is accessed at the discretion of those accessing it, and responsibility for using this website is accepted by those who access it.
The Tokyo District Court is the exclusive competent court of first instance for all disputes in connection with the use of this website.
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