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Liquamen (ling fish autolysate)
Liquamen (ling fish autolysate)
Liquamen is the Latin word for one of the most esteemed food materials used as sauces and condiments in the ancient Roman Empire. The liquamen with the best quality was lauded for its nutritional value, and was called "the product with a thousand virtues" by Scribonius Largus, the personal physician to Emperor Claudius, in 43 A.D.

The raw material used in Liquamen® is ling fish, an edible fish of the cod family that lives at the depth of 2,000 m in the Northern Atlantic Ocean and grows to the size of over 2 m. Living in an extreme environment with scarce oxygen, low temperature, high pressure, darkness, and high stress, these fish has a special metabolic system enabling them to synthesize unsaturated fatty acids from the plankton they ingest.
This product contains 1,800 da and smaller peptides (a group of enzymatic polypeptides and peptides), polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω3) that already have formed lipoproteins, selenium chelated with natural amino acids, and vitamin E complex.

Ling fish
Distinguishing features
Dielen Laboratoires (France), the developer and producer of liquamen, was founded by Dr. Bernard Noel in 1980. It received an award from the National Agency of Research Valuation (ANVAR) in 1982 in recognition of its work on liquamen, and since has been conducting much research and development.
Track record of use for 14 years at an international occupational health center established jointly by major French companies.
Health claim about metabolic syndrome qualified in France.
Research collaboration with national institutes, universities, and hospitals in France.
Abundant clinical data accumulated for over 10 years.
Used by a Tour-de-France champion.
Study presentation at Cardiovascular Disease Prevention International Symposium.
Presenter: M. Clorarec
Professor, University of Paris
President of the French National Association for Medical Prevention

Prof. Cloarec
The leading researcher on cardiovascular diseases in Franc
Research and collaborating institutions
French national research organizations
National Agency of Research Valuation (ANVAR)
Centre national d'études et de recommandations sur la nutrition et l'alimentation (CNERNA)
Institut national de la recherche agronomique (INRA)
Research and clinical study centers
Saint-Lazare Hospital
Tenon Hospital
Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6, etc.
Abundant clinical experience at hospitals and other facilities for over 10 years.
Acute toxicity study: Single administration to rats at 2,000 mg/kg body weight confirmed the absence of toxicity.
Supplements (soft capsules)