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Key Message
Message from the President

Masahito Ishikawa
President and CEO
Our entire business focuses on the concept of ultimate heath.
Called the era of growth and expansion, the 20th century saw instability with confrontations between nations and the collapse of the myth of economic growth, and eventually ended without resolving various problems such as the serious destruction of the environment. The start of the 21st century brought with it the beginning of a major paradigm shift.
We have unconsciously been living in an age where our bodies are being adversely affected both directly and indirectly by these largely changing times. In this dramatically shifting period, the idea of health based on the coexistence of people and the environment (nature) has become exceedingly important.
At Nutrition Act, we believe it is important for each and every individual to take an interest in the environment (nature) as an irreplaceable asset, and in “health” in terms of maintaining the natural environment of our bodies.
Nutrition Act strives to communicate with our customers about this concept of health through our products by proposing systems and by offering information services. We hope that we will become your top partner in all things related to your health.
Corporate Philosophy
Founding spirit
The spirit we cultivate emphasizes the importance of the value of health.
The word “act” in our company name is short for “action,” but before people can take action, they must start with the seed of “intention.” Taking action to nourish your body begins with the belief that your health is important. From a different angle, this can also be thought of as the fear of losing your health.
Whether it is the fear of losing your health because you know its value, or if you know the value because you have lost your health in the past, this fear leads to looking after your health.
For example, people will treat something to which they attach importance and do not want to lose with great care. Conversely, the arrogance in the belief that something is impossible to lose or in taking something for granted will cause people to act in a completely opposite manner. It does not matter if that important something is a person, an object, or even yourself. Most people become conscious of health only once they or a loved one begins to lose their health. Only then do they become aware that health is important.
Whatever the catalyst may be, as a company in the health industry, we will never forget the importance of the value of health
Corporate Philosophy
―Energized by our customers, we hope to give back to them as well.
The value of our company is measured in terms of customer satisfaction. Therefore, we want our customers to feel our presence as being close to them. Focusing on customer needs, we are energized as we strive to improve the quality of services and products that will also lead them to take action. We will also give back to our customers by participating in activities that support healthy lifestyles such as cultivating young athletes.

―Energized by the value allowing us to exist, we will give back to shareholders, employees, and business partners in the form of services.
Having recognized the values of our company, our shareholders, employees, and business partners support its continuance. Investments in new projects lead to action in generating subsequent values. By having the same goals as our shareholders, employees, and business partners, we will give back to them by creating new services.
―Energized by the virtues of society and the environment, we will give back to the development of society and the environment.
The society and environment encompass all people that support the continuance of our company. In addition to proactively using eco-friendly product materials, we will also give back by actively participating in activities that develop society and the environment.
Top Commitment
We strive to be a company that coexists with the environment.
Therefore, our symbol represents forest, earth, and people.
Aiming to be the number one health creation company.
How can we help create the ultimate health in customers?
The intake of nourishment from outside the body is necessary for maintaining human life. Over the long term, this action has a large impact on the body. Yet, since these effects are not readily seen, it is difficult to understand what is happening, and if what you are doing is right or wrong.
Although taking one nutrient appropriately will provide nutrition, taking too much will cause an overload of that nutrient. Our goal is to create and convey methods that will provide nutrition that is tailored to individual customers.
In order to help customers achieve healthy lifestyles, we will offer three points of contact.
Through the raw ingredients business with our corporate customers, we will be involved in indirectly promoting healthy lifestyles over a broad area by popularizing each of these ingredients.
OEM business with our corporate customers will provide an opportunity to promote healthy lifestyles by offering information and popularizing products for consumer groups with common goals such as an interest in healthy living.
Through the business of directly offering products and services to individual customers, we will provide support in promoting their healthy lifestyles by fostering closer and friendly relationships with them.
These three contact points are all different in terms of the sense of distance between our company and customers. However, we are able to hear the various voices of our customers: voices we can hear well because they are close, voices that come through strongly from people who share our passion, and the collective voice consisting of the smaller voices of many people that we can hear loud and clear. Through this, we aim to provide the ultimate in healthy living that only we can make possible.
Through our business, we will actively participate in environmental activities.
Our health is supported by supplying our bodies with nutrients through food. While participating in creating an environment where the food that nourishes us is grown, we feel that we have an important responsibility.
One of those responsibilities is afforestation activities for argan trees (Moroccan Argan). Argan trees play an important role in preventing desertification in Morocco, but with 600 hectares being cut down each year, the risk of extinction is a growing concern. In order to protect and regenerate argan trees, various afforestation policies are being pushed at the national and local government levels in Morocco, but these policies are not functioning effectively.
One problem is that argan tree planting itself is conducted in areas close to the desert, making it an extremely difficult task. Seedlings take root at a rate of only 10%. From 2006 to 2007, a Moroccan NGO group called the Ibn Al Baytar Association formulated a plan to plant 6,000 argan trees on 30 hectares in the Tiout region. This plan will also provide for the planting of 6,000 young trees annually for the next three years.
The biggest problem in implementing this plan is water. To combat this, Nutrition Act has participated in support activities for improving the rate of seedlings taking root by introducing French gardening technology using water absorbing polymers. We will continue to actively participate in environmental activities in the future as well.

We aim to create a “spiral of health” that comes from our customers becoming healthy and the joy of our employees in seeing the smiles of customers.
Not only do we sell products, but we also participate in lectures and seminars. Through this, we are able to spend time with the sales staff that actually come in contact with customers, as well as people who share our interest in health. Additionally, through our nutrition management activities with top sports professionals, we are able to receive a wide array of feedback from athletes.
Through this feedback from customers who have used and are satisfied with our products, we will devote ourselves to creating even better products. Not only are we undergoing these experiences, but our employees are also having such experiences directly or indirectly. Adding to our business in raw ingredient sales and OEM, and in order to become even closer to our customers, we will strive to strengthen our nutrition management business and become a company that can support the promotion of health together with our customers.